A Day of Telling secrets
Secret is like those circles
formed by removed skirts on floor
when you break its thread
I step out of it....
Wonder is but an offer for those who can look from a distance
Can they repeat?
looking for sources elsewhere?
Mysteries can repeat quite often
Once dress up, all chances to turn naked again
Keep posting
Let us learn from girls and boys
when nobody at home, they search
for the reasons of their unrest
Keep posting me poems to punctuate my secrets
Let loneliness sit like a bird on our windows
And push us into this day of telling secrets
That was a lie-poem
Latest absurd poem is actually very realistic.
Feeling quite ashamed to take that big packet of love back home
Scared of all who have finest eyes for details
I kept my packet of love in the official cupboard
Can it ever help but grow?
Yet another visual by itself, funny though
Look at your lover's jeans when he is so full of love for you
The packet of love starts sprouting within its cover
Finger in Bubble?
what will you feel when he plays with soap bubbles?
Like a scatter of fluid.
A happiness pervades
Nothing to say about it
Oh! Oh!
Basho! poet of so many butterflies
Occur on me like a bright morning
We keep staining
Child-woman, wearing half skirt
Stained because she kept that sanitary napkin
Other way round in a haste
She didnt know how to cover it
All the way back home
She was talking to friend
About her chance sitting on a crow's shit
Poor Andrea del sarto!
"My face, my moon, my everybody's moon,
Which everybody looks on and calls his,
And, I suppose, is looked on by in turn,
While she looks--no one's: very dear, no less.
You smile? why, there's my picture ready made,
There's what we painters call our harmony!"
-Tks to Robert Browning. I can guess it right. Ha ha ha
Here is the Link to Lucrezia's dreams:
thanx for the link! yeaa..everybody's moon...bitten bitten and grown grown....today is a full moon day it seems
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