The world with out you may be a better place but you never thought of. The world with out you may be a place people can live better but you never thought of. you, with out the world can be no place a spirit magnified?
Clicking on the image, these days one gets the larger version of one’s own image if the system works proper. Clicking on one's own creative self at times is refreshing and unlearning….or even sometimes an act of only selectively owning the past to move further.
In brief, i am an artist and contemporary art researcher. i passed out MFA art history and aesthetics from M S University Baroda in 1998. currently i am teaching art history in govt. fine arts college, thrissur, Kerala, India. The PhD project undertaken in the year 2000 was in the area of print-media studies focusing on the practice of illustrating literary texts in Malayalam periodicals. As part of this project I was enquiring into the media culture - very political, highly literary, creative and parochial - all at once, in the ethos within which my life had been through.
i am currently doing an extensive project on contemporary indian art and a part of that research goes into a column 'Up Close and Personal' in
1 comment:
The world
with out
may be
a better place
you never thought of.
The world
with out
may be a place
people can live better
but you never thought of.
with out
the world
can be
no place
a spirit
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